This week Naddie’s daycare has called me twice in a row.
Once on Tuesday to see if I knew that she had some sort of scratch around her belly button. No, I did not know. I think it has happened while she was playing outside at the center. The second call came the following day. She was bitten by another little girl who did not want to share the “tree house” outside and wanted Naddie gone. Apparently my little girl got very upset and did not understand what happened. Her daycare providers had a talk with her to let her know that she did not do anything wrong and that biting is not OK and that it is fine to feel sad.
I must say I love the fact that they pay so much attention to them.
This Saturday we spent some time on the beach again and Sunday we took another hike with Molly and Gramps JR.
This time I pushed Naddie in her stroller as it is made for off road. I think she likes to be carried more than pushed. She also walked a little, but we had to end that after a little while or we would’ve slept with some big cats in the wild.
She also starting to say ME and MINE a lot. She is very much aware of what is hers and what she can do. OH, and she is stumping when she gets frustrated. First I thought it was funny but I know we have to let her know that it is not ok.
Could it be that she is practicing for the show STOMP??????