Naddie is almost 18 months old. We really only have one month to go and she will be a year and a half old. Time is flying by…
She is in an “I can do it on my own- I know what I want- and I am shy” stage.
We do have melt downs (yes we do! Not bad ones just mild ones) and lots of “try outs”. It’s as if the world just now opened up for her and she has to figure everything out at this second. NOW!
She is an absolute “dare devil” but without the cape and the spandex. Hopefully without the hospital bills too. She tries anything and everything out. Aint no height is too high, aint no depth is too deep, aint no many is too many.
She is very well mannered though. She says: Please! & Thank You! & There you go!
She will hand me something so that she can ask for it and than thank me. And than just repeat it until she gets bored of the game.
She also understands the “pecking” order at the house. The only being she can boss around is poor little Puma. She stands in front of him with one hand on her hip the other one in the air pointing with one finger and telling him in a very demanding voice: “NO, NO, NO! Stop! Up!" At this point Puma just gives up.