Mor-mor is here visiting us for a month and Naddie is having a blast with her and loves having her as part of her routine.
Unfortunately though the first couple of weeks of Mor-mor’s visit we all had some kind of bug or pink eye or virus. That is Murphy’s Law. We hardly ever get sick but ever since Naddie started day care and is attending the “house of germs” we seem to catch whatever she brings home. We must have an invisible sign on our forehead that says: “GERMS ARE WELCOME.”
Other than that we have had fun this weekend. We took Naddie to the beach with my friend Amanda (see pictures) and she just loved, loved her and the water. Most kids run a way from the waives but Naddie loves to run into them. She really is a water baby as I already mentioned. The problem is that she does not fear the water at all so I really have to keep an eye on her. Well, I would anyways, but double that. We set up our little tent and put our towels down and she just took off. Ran towards the water and told us bye, bye!
We also got to hang out with aunt Lisa & cool uncle G on Saturday. Naddie was going 90 miles/hour for about two hours and than she crashed at the end of the day. She also did this really cute thing when Lisa gave her mini purse to her, she put it on her shoulder, grabbed my keys from the table and headed to the door while saying bye, bye! She just loves pretend plays now. We got her a little wooden kitchen and she is cooking and tasting and making me taste…..
Her vocabulary is expending like crazy. According to her doctor she should know 17-20 words. Let’s just say she actually puts 3 words sentences together. How many words she knows I really don’t know because I lost count.
Her weekend quotes:
* I see you (While taking a bath and hiding from me)
*Soyee (She said sorry after she tooted and I said excuse you!)
*Excuse me (The second time she tooted front of all of us)
I think I will start a “Quote of the week” as a tradition on her blog.