Tuesday, November 18, 2008

ABC easy as 123

Baby bug surprised me with her knowledge of numbers the other day. I started counting:
Me: One
Ms. N without hesitation: Too
Me: Two
Ms. N: Thwee
Me: Three
Ms N: Foo.....
...and so you get the picture. I was shocked as I have not been teaching her the numbers. I guess the ladies at daycare might have touched on the subject as I don't think she just came up with them on her own. I have been focusing on colors rather. We already got "back" and "phite" and "red" and "boo" down.
So numbers are the topic of our conversation and our plays. We eat numbers and write numbers and think numbers and dream numbers......

Thursday, November 13, 2008

'This is my message to you-ou-ou:'

Baby bug spent the whole day at her “new and shinny” two’s room yesterday.
When I was picking her up, her old little teacher directed me to the right room.
I was greeted by: “Someone’s mom is here to pick them up” stated by this cutie, to which her new little teacher just responded with: “Oh, its Nadine’s mom!” The little cutie looked around, zoomed in on Ms. N and said: “Nadine your mom is here!” to which baby bug responded with a shoulder shrug and kept playing. At this point I realized she is definitely ready for this room.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Pick a peppe’, pick a peppe’, pick a pickle….say what?

We are starting a club. We will call ourselves “PICKLE LOVERS”. Membership requirements are the follows:
- eat pickles every month
- eat pickles every week
- eat pickles every day
- eat as much pickles as you can in one sitting
- if life hands you anything other than pickles for your meals just ask for a pickle (well maybe some frozen yogurt)


Should you have any questions regarding our membership benefits besides the obvious, please feel free to contact Ms. N (chairwoman) or Ms. A (second chairwoman).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wordless Saturday


Let's just say we had a blast. Downtown Huntington with crazy little "bugs" swarming the streets, mini padding zoo, music, tons of candy & smiling faces. Who can ask for more?

Ms. N started understanding the concept of trick or treating. She knew she just had to be cute and these crazy adults would hand her something and than she would place it in her bag. She has no idea that those things are candy and let's just leave it that way. She already has enough energy.