Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Ms. Socialite

Baby Bug makes friends. She makes friends easily. She makes lots of friends. Just the other day, when we walked down to get the mail, she took this little old ladies hand (who was walking on our street and stopped to chit chat with us) and invited her for a walk. And so, she came along.
Each day when we get home the first thing she wants is to say “hi” to our neighbors. She wants to go visit their homes, their dogs and the neighbor's neighbors. It is now somewhat of an obsession. Let’s just say she is not pleasant to be around when the neighbors are not around.
She constantly talks about her friends. Friends from daycare, our friends, family & neighbors.
She is my little socialite.
Each day when we get home the first thing she wants is to say “hi” to our neighbors. She wants to go visit their homes, their dogs and the neighbor's neighbors. It is now somewhat of an obsession. Let’s just say she is not pleasant to be around when the neighbors are not around.
She constantly talks about her friends. Friends from daycare, our friends, family & neighbors.
She is my little socialite.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Casa Romantica

A while ago Will visited one of his friends in San Clemente and was introduced to this amazing "cultural center" & gardens called Casa Romantica. The setting is absolutely stunning! The spanish colonial architecture takes you back to what Southern California must have been like years and years ago. So, this past weekend Will took Baby Bug and me to walk around, get a little cultural education and enjoy San Clemente's great restaurants and people. I have to say I fell in love with everything this little city has to offer.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Many faces & Many expressions

About a week or so ago I brook down and got a play dough set for Naddie. I am not against it at all, I just wasn't sure if Bug was ready for it.
So far, we have not had play dough in a mouth or on the wall or in Puma's fur.
She absolutely loves it and figured out how to create some faces with the help of the existing "expressions" that came with the package.
So far, we have not had play dough in a mouth or on the wall or in Puma's fur.
She absolutely loves it and figured out how to create some faces with the help of the existing "expressions" that came with the package.

It’’s…it’s a BUG on a BIKE!!!

Even though, Bug has a pink bike (color=my choice) she is becoming more of a truck loving, train adoring, bus cheering, plain admirer. Our car rides are fun now. She says hello & good by to all the larger vehicles we pass by. She also got her own digital camera from mor-mor that she brings along to take pictures of them. Well, for now the pictures turn out to be pictures of her little face, but she will learn.

Friday, January 2, 2009
She thinks the 80’s rocked . Oh and blue cheese too…….

The holidays have come and gone. Baby bug’s birthday came out of nowhere. My vacation has almost run out of time and my to do list seems to be where I started it two weeks ago.
Our trip to Portland got cancelled (no, we cancelled it due to “extreme” conditions) and we had to deal with sunshine and weather that pretty much stayed in the high 50’s low 60’s. Once I even had to put my heavy sweatshirt on. Not to mention the (well deserved and needed) rain that poured down on us for almost three days. Not three simultaneous days, but three days nevertheless.
Baby bug went from being a toddler to being a two year old. The difference is entitlement and ownership.
Let me tell ya! What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine!
At this point in her life I think she has come to a turning point. She committed her life to learning and helping others , achieved a lot and it is time to enjoy the fruit of these two very busy years. Work hard, play hard! She is one true Californian.
She also enjoyed her time away from daycare but she told me the other night that she missed her friends.
This past two weeks she discovered that she is two (after consistently telling everyone she was “sickteen”) and just recently had her “bitday”. She discovered that she loves wearing leg warmers either on her hands or on her legs, depending on what day it is. She also discovered that blue cheese rocks and that juice mixed with water is mostly water. Really not caring for the latter. She discovered you tube while sitting on daddy dada’s lap and really got familiar with the computer while we weren‘t watching. She discovered that she knows how to turn dada’s car on and that making funny faces and giving hugs will take the edge off of any uncomfortable situation. (Hint: getting in trouble while turning dada‘s car on.)
She discovered that she can make fun of things and pretend to be someone else and invite daddy dada to join the pretend play.
She discovered that doing crafty things is fun (even when it does not involve any of the walls) and that giving is great but getting is better.
So, I think we have started the New Year the right way and she is on a search to know herself and the world around her.

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