Monday, April 19, 2010

Just Evan

So, the little guy...... What is there to say? He is amazing. He is sleeps, eats, smiles, and grows, just like it is written in the big book.

He adores his big sister. Any time she is around or he can just hear her, he immediately looks around to find her.

He is 8 weeks now. He is big. He weighs almost 13 pounds (almost 6 kg). He can eat and eat and eat. He WOULD eat the whole day if we let him. Did I mention he eats a lot?

He is more aware now of his surroundings and is awake a lot during the day. He recognizes our voice and is very interested in new sounds.

Evan is a very mellow little fellow. He looks nothing like me but I think he will have my temper. So, for now we have a fire cracker (Bug) and an easy stud (Evan).

He is the ideal baby (for now). He sleeps through the night with about 2-3 feedings. No fuss to wake me up, just his little sucking sound.

So, you see we think he is one awesome little guy. And to top that off....


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Just Naddie

Since I have not been good about keeping the blog up to date here is a post just about Bug since Evan’s birth.
To say “we are lucky” would not do any justice to our situation. Bringing a new baby home we always imagined would bring some sort of sibling rivalry and jealousy. So far (and here I am knocking on wood) we had none of that. Baby Bear is almost 2 months old and we are yet to have a negative sign from Bug. She is an amazing big sister who has so much to offer not only to her brother but to me too.
She LOVES her brother and to show that she shows that in so many different ways. Hugs, kisses, participating diaper changes, bugger picking (out of Evan’s nose) and face wiping. She has offered to feed him (while lifting up her shirt and telling us “she has a booby too”), rock him to sleep or just hold him.
She says she is not a baby anymore. She no longer wears diapers. We did not push her to quit it, we did not ask her to get rid of it. It just happened, right after the baby came to our life.

Bug is a chatterbox. I never knew someone could talk as much as she does. Yep. She even talks more than I do. Will just keeps telling me “now I know how he feels”.
It is not just talking. It is also lots of questions, singing, counting and making monster or animal sounds throughout the day. She can’t even miss a beat, so at night she snores to just keep things going.
She has an amazing sense of humor. She will even say, “I am funny, that was really funny”. She cracks herself up with her own jokes. Hey, at least someone enjoys all that nonsense. Well, actually, we all love her humor.
She is going to start swimming again in the advanced class and dancing for the first time.
She does not know “stage fever”. Bug will take any opportunity to be on “center stage”.
She will talk to anyone, anytime and anywhere.
She gets upset with me a lot. She tells me “you are not my friend anymore”. So I tell her I am not her friend, I am her mom. And that’s where it ends. She is yet to figure out how to react to that.
She has a great memory. She remembers events, places and faces from a year ago.
She is quite mellow, but on the rare occasions she can go from zero to sixty in one second.
So, needless to say, sometimes we have our moments.

A visit to the "other side"


is just on the others side of the bay we live in. It is also one of the places we took Mor-mor to.
It is just a perfect place for a nice short day. Great lunch, quiet walk along the beach and amazing views of the city.
Perfect day with the kids and a good workout for us.
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Botanic Garden


Mor-Mor came to visit and stay with us for almost a month. It was a visit so that she can see Bug after almost a year and to meet Evan for the first time. So, in order to keep everyone entertained without breaking dada's wallet and to enjoy the last days of "summer" one of the things we have visited was the Auckland Botanic Garden.



It is the most amazing Botanic Garden I have ever visited. Not only does it offer great range of unusual plants, trees and flowers but it is also free, allows some hand on experience, great children's play garden and I could just go on and on.


We didn't even explore the whole place as the size of the garden could easily match the size of a small town's.


Bug absolutely loved the whole experience along with Mor-mor and I. Evan not so much, however he slept through the whole time.


Well, maybe not thw whole time........
