I am happy to announce that we have survived the first week of the school holidays.
Bug is off for two weeks and the anticipation leading up to the first day of her holiday put us in quite a good mood.

Naturally we have been busy with things around the house but to my greatest delight the weather also allowed us to spend some serious time on the beach or at the park.
I always worry that keeping my hyper super duper energetic little girl busy will be impossible and that she will turn into this out of control kid I pretend I never met.

Can I just say "NOT this time!!". She has been fund and helpful as well as a good sister. We have developed this something for something system and it seems to be making both of us happy.

We have been able to share our outings with her little friend Jake and the two of them can get lost in their pretend world for hours while Jake's mom and I enjoy a little "gossip" time.

I also think we might have found the best kept secret of St. Heliers. This little co op ice store carries very limited variety ice cream but the are absolutely delish....