Naddie had her one year "well child check up" two days ago and she also had to get some shots. She did great though she screamed when this little old Russian lady took some blood from her. We walked into the lab and found this sweet and smiley nurse. It took us only a few minutes to figure out that she was Nurse "Cruella de Vile". She was all abou

I felt so bad for my little girl. Here she is sitting in my lap held by me and this monster woman and poor thing is just crying her eyes out. It normally takes two other people and me to do this whole ordeal, but this time we only had Mrs. Nightmare.
I think she scarred Naddie for life.Well, maybe not but the memory is too vivid right now.
So, Naddie is still a bit on the small size. She is 20pounds and 4oz. She is very long though. 28 3/4". She is very close to walking and according to her Dr. she is developing ahead of her age.
Her next check up is not for another six month and let's hope we will never see Nurse de Vile again!
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