Friday, November 6, 2009
Breakfast Talk

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Zoo Day
..........and so we went to the Zoo while we had such great weather (see that?picking up right where I left off. nobody noticed that once again I did not post for weeks). I usually don't care to visit the Zoo but having a child changes things and even though I don't like caged animals I will not take this opportunity a way from Bug. Also, this particular Zoo seems to really care about the animals and create an environment that allows them to room around as freely as possible. We had such a wonderful day and the weather turned out to be amazing. Exactly how I imagined spring would be.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Guess who’s back? Can you ask that fast and four times?

So why waste time and precious energy, when I can just start right where I left off?
I say “precious energy”, because it is hard to come by lately.
Why? You might ask. Well, I tell you why. We are expecting again!!!!!
I am 17 weeks along and the due date according to the midwife and the doctors and the technicians (at the ultrasound) we have seen so far is February 17th.

Naddie seems to understand that there is a baby in my belly and that we have to be careful when playing. She also does some random act of “loving”. She often comes up to me and says: “I want to give a kissy to the baby”. And than she pulls up my shirt and kisses right where she thinks the baby is.

I do think she will be a great big sister. She seems to really care about smaller babies when we are at the playground and has quite a nurturing nature towards them in any situation. So, fingers crossed that it will be a smooth transition.
At this point we have been here in Auckland for almost three months. We seem to be settling in just fine. Found a great house with three bedrooms in a suburb called Mission Bay. It is about 7 minutes drive from the city and is located right on the beach, hence the name.
Naddie took all the transitions pretty easily as if nothing really happened.
When our container arrived at our house with all of our stuff she literarily had Christmas in July. I think at some point while we were unpacking I found her head over hills in a box full of toys, while she was screaming: OHHHH! UHHH! YESS! LOOK AT THIS MOMMY!!!

We gave her the biggest bedroom, thinking she will spend more time in there than we will in our bedroom. WRONG!
She finds a way to spread all of her toys around be that the bathroom, kitchen, living room, dinning room or dad’s office. She even managed to take over parts of dad’s office at the University.
We are looking into putting her into daycare part time for now and when she turns three and the baby is here most likely full time. The government here pays for 3 days of daycare, which makes life easier, when you have more than one child.
There are different opportunities for kids to socialize. Daycare is just one, but they have “coffee groups”, play centers and of course mom groups.
We are exploring the “playcentre”as parents are deeply involved.
Of course as everywhere else in the world there is a waiting list for each of these centers, so for now we are hoping to get in as soon as possible.
As of October Bug will be starting “Soccer for Tots” and we are also looking into going back swimming around that time. We have been going to this indoor aquatic center that has many toddler pools, slides, wave pools and lots and lots of entertainment for all the 2-5 year old visitors. All this is for a hefty $7. You can imagine how happy this makes me. 4-5 hours entertainment for such little price and I don’t even mind becoming a raisin. “Hi you reached the voicemail of William, Naddie and Andrea. Please leave a message after the tone as most likely we are at the pool. Again!”
There are many things Baby Bug just loves about this whole new situation.
One of them is the “fluffy” also known as steamed milk with a little bit of chocolate.

So every morning while I am making Naddie’s breakfast the first thing out of her mouth is “Mommy, I want fluffy too”.

The scenery is like something out of a movie. The forests are amazing containing palm trees and evergreens living side by side.
I imagine, as the weather gets better we will be taking more and more trips to explore.
For now I will live you with this post and with a sentence: “I will be back and posting regularly as I used to. Before you know it, you will be sick of all the jibber jab.”
Well, that was actually two sentences. I am already exceeding all expectations.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sorry for the lack of posts, but moving across the world sort of got in the way of finding time to sit down and write about the day to day operation of Baby Bug.
To skip the whole “how our move went”, I am just going to update you on how our two weeks have been since we landed in Auckland. I do have to mention however that Bug did great on our 12-hour flight! She slept through most of it and when awake, she watched her own little screen where Air New Zealand had children programs available.
The adjustment is going ok. Bug had to get used to sleeping in a big bed, spending very little time around kids, living in a large city, the cold weather and walking a lot. When I say walking a lot I mean walking A LOT! Auckland walking isn’t even just walking. It is up hill and down hill walking. Just like San Francisco’s streets.
So far she has made a friend named Elli who is 4 years old and has an extensive knowledge of Dinosaurs and the local Natural History Museum of which he was happy to tell us all about in an afternoon we spent together.
He is a son of one of Will’s new college and they were sweet enough to also invite us to their house last Sunday where we learned that the love of Thomas and all his friends is mutual between the two kids.
We have been also exploring much of the city and the surrounding areas and I can say her favorite part was once again the beach and the great park that is located right next to it.
Ever since we have arrived Bug is eating more than ever. If she could she would probably continuously eat throughout the day. She is pretty good with what’s available and we also got her to eat Malaysian food where she picked up the chopsticks and just knew what to do with them.I think she is a natural born “international” baby!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Itt szeretnenk nagyon szepen megkoszonni az Oliviat.
Sajnos a fenykepezogep nem volt keznel amikor is megerkezett a csomag (es meg az iwiwen kuldott uzenetet sem kaptam meg!!)
Azonban a pici lany majden a nadragjabol ugrott kifele amikor meglatta az o "egyetlen" Oliviajat.
Sikongatva vitta apuciahoz hogy mutassa az ujj szerzemenyet!!!
Azota a kep megjarta az osszes szomszedunk hazat hogy mindenki a csodajara jarhasson es a mi kis manokank buszken mutogatja mindenkinek aki beteszi a labat a lakasba es lelkessen meseli hogy a Laci Papa keszitette neki.
Mar azt is megmutatta hogy hova szeretne a szobajaba es nehezen de talan megertettuk vele hogy most meg nem kerul a falra, hiszen nemsoka koltozunk es meg anya be is szeretne neki keretezni hogy nehogy valami "bubuja" legyen az imadott kepnek.
Laci papa! Ha tudnad micsoda oromot szereztel ennek e kicsi lanynak! En miutan bekereteztetem megint oda adom majd neki es akkor keszitek egy kis filmet rola hatha a reakcio hasonlo lesz mint az elso alkalommal valo "talalkozas".
While getting her ready for breakfast I asked Bug what she wanted to eat. After a short pause:
"BB:Mommy. I eat airplain.
Me:You eat airplain?
BB:Yes mommy! I eat airplain.
BB:Nooo! No mommy!I no eat airplain.
Me:Well, I didn't think you eat airplain.
BB:No mommy! I eat elitopter (aka helicopter)"
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Naddie’s solution to “running low on lotion”

-1 mischievous toddler
-1 very busy mom
- handful of chopped cheese
- handful of sliced pickles
- handful of cooked “hot dogs”
- lots and lots of ketchup
Place all ingredients on a plate. Before starting any commotion make sure that mommy is not looking.
When all is clear, push everything on the table; besides the ketchup and slowly, but thoroughly start rubbing the ketchup to every inch of the exposed skin on your body.
Let it sit for about 5 minutes and after mommy’s initial shock enjoy your masterpiece.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I think as the time for our move is approaching our friends and family realized that it might be a year or two before they will see us again. This means we had/have/ and will have visitors at our house until we have the furniture to provide for their comfortable stay.
Needless to say Baby Bug LOVES it. Visitors bring fun and energy to our house. She adores everyone for as long as they play "nice" with her.
So far we had Mor Mor, Jim (who she proudly calls Dium that mostly sounds like Dum. Just like our friend Frank who she calls Freak and sounds like Freak. So now we have two friends named Dum & Freak. No I am not embarrassed one bit!) and our friend Paul is arriving from Seattle tomorrow to spend one fab week with us.
I just really wish we could skip the goodbye part.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Smart Cookie

She also can read the numbers from 1-5.
On top of all her newfound glory she is also picking up some bad habits, but we are nipping them in the buds.
Some time outs, food fights and whining competitions seem to be the perfect recipes to a wonderful toddler.
Ok, well, not exactly. She is a manageable child, who needs some directions occasionally, and for the most part she is easy to handle.In the past couple of months she also became very affectionate. She loves to cuddle in the morning if we have the time. Sometimes she will hold my head in both of her little hands and kiss me while looking into my eyes. She has a smile that says more than words can ever tell. She will just shout “I WOW YOU” whenever she feels like it. And I LOVE it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Weekend Update with Baby Bug
Monday, April 13, 2009

She had such a blast seeking all her colorful little presents out in the house and in the yard.
We spent the day at Granny & Gramps’ house and were surrounded by family. We made some traditional dishes, colored some eggs, hunted for eggs and threw paper strips all over the house.
When G gets Bug going there is no stopping in sight. At the end of the day she was completely pooped out.

Friday, April 10, 2009
San Diego Day 2 & 3
Thursday, April 9, 2009
San Diego Day 1
She demanded her own seat and window and could not take her eyes off of the scenery passing by.
Our hotel is in the heart of downtown in the Gas Lamp district and after our arrival we met up with Daddy and took the little girl out on the town.She had so much fun. The vibe, the colorful lights, the music playing in all the restaurants and bars kept her mesmerized.
Today we got up early and while walking around I have found this great trolley tour option called the “Old Town Tour”, which allows you to see everything worth to see and be able to get off and back on whenever you want and they come every half an hour.
We got to see
This is all for under $40 for the two of us in
Will have mentioned the Sea World but I did not want to spend over $70 to see Shamu in a small pool. I am not even sure if Bug would’ve liked it as much as she liked everything we did today and I even got to learn some neat facts about the city.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Tired! Not quiet.

This weekend though was nice and mellow.
We took Baby Bug to a little “Fair” that a non for profit organization put together. She got to see a fire truck from close up and even had a chance to sit in it, but she pretty much refused.

We rode a mini train around the park and I might have had more fun riding that thing than Bug herself. She loved it; however I think I loved it more. I felt so relaxed and at piece. It was the perfect weather and I love this time of the year.
Bug is doing great with potty training. She spent the day in her “Elmo” undies on Saturday and just had to be reminded to use the potty every 20-30 minutes. So, I would remind her and her reaction would be: “Oh, yes. Potty, potty, potty. Uh, Uh.” As if she just realized she really has to go and not sure if she can make it to the bathroom.
The newest addition to her knowledge is that she is now pretending to read. She gets the idea that numbers and letters symbolize what she already knows. She knows the ABC and she can count to about 20. Obviously sometimes mixes the line up but she is so proud of herself, that she is now attempting to understand what the symbols mean.
She will look at the measuring cup and tell me that it says “1,2,3.”
Or daddy’s shirt “ABC” and than she will turn it into a singing fest finishing it up with “next time won’t you sing with me”.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hey pretty do you want to take a ride with me…in my car?

I wouldn’t say she really liked the cars, but she loved the buzz it brought into our little town. There were some great classic Chevys, Mustangs, tons of Woodies and I could just go on.
While gramps and Will strolled around and studied all these beautiful old cars, Bug and I found the ones we liked. Even though I often say she is more of a “tomboy” she still loved the red ones or the pink ones.
We also had some family visiting from Montana and Bug was on her best behavior. Who knew she can sit in one place for longer than 15 minutes.