Bee (Big Easy E) is a week short of being 4 months old. He is an incredible baby. He smiles all the time and laughs out loud when you crack him up. His eyes can talk. He talks. He talks all the time. He doesn’t try to get your attention by crying but by talking. He is mellow and has a great temper. He sleeps well and eats well. He is HUGE. He can fit in things that are way out of his “league”. He refuses to drink out of a bottle and will not take anything other than the boob. Yes, I said it. The boob. I can say it again: boob, boob, and boob…
I’m thinking to start him on “solids” in few weeks as I think he needs the extra pounds. Never mind that I have a hard time carrying him around in his car seat.
He is now turning from tummy to back and vice versa. He found his left thumb and sure loves to suck on it.
weird how they all love their left thumbs!
all of the kids are beautiful and adorable at this age but when they become teenagers (girls ecspecially) you will look at those days and wish they were back
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