Seeing how Bee just turned 7 months I thought maybe a quick update would be in order.
He is still a very mellow little guy. Sleeps well, nurses well and just all around a very easy baby.
We have started him on solids early but due to his own decision we are still mostly nursing and if that makes him happy it certainly makes me happy. He still never used a bottle and at this point I would imagine he never will.
Sleeping has never been an issue and there is really nothing I can say about that.
His whole world and the understanding of his surroundings comes from Bug.There is this magical connection in between the two of them and I so hope that it stays that way.
Phisicly he is very strong and LOVES standing and jumping. I am giving him another month and he will be cruizing around to my delight!
He is over 11 kg and about 73 cm.
As you can tell I am totally in LOVE with our children.

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