Each day I wake up and I am so thankful to have two beautiful, happy and healthy child.
Each day some things drive me crazy and some things just melt my heart.
Today was that kind of a day.

Our day started out a bit slow, a bit groggy and a bit crazy at the same time. I was certainly ready to pull out my hair if I had any. Thankfully I shaved it recently.
It is quite a well-known phenomenon I would imagine in every family house.
Wake up, have breakfast, nurse, change diaper, use the potty, get dressed, brush hair and teeth, make lunch box ingredients, have a sip of coffee (if you can just jug down as much as you can, while you can, but be careful the beverage you are about to drink is HOT!!!) make sure everything is packed, get to the car, buckle up…….

Every day when we get to kindy, I help Bug settle in. There is a routine we follow each day we go. Today wasn’t any different, besides that I decided to hang around a little.
As I was sitting there Bug came up to me holding another little girl’s hand, one whom I haven’t met yet. She seems to be older, definitely taller and way more shy than Bug has ever bin.

Just as I was about to ask her name Bug introduced her to me and told me that “she just got back from a long vacation”. Once again I automatically turned to this new friend and asked her “where she spent her vacation”? To which I got no response, but a nice little smile. At this point Bug came to her rescue, took her hand and off they went with an “see you later mom.”

I watched them run to the swings while laughing at something invisible to me. I watched them enjoy their newfound friendship where words didn’t seem to matter.
Later I found out from one of her teachers that the new little friend has spent 3 months in Croatia (where she is from) for 3 months and her English has gone out the window.
Bug took it on herself apparently to teach her everything she needs to know and make her feel welcomed back and comfortable.
As I said, she melts my heart.