Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 22

Dear Nadine!
2 years ago today you came into our life. It is amazing to me that 2 years have already passed.
2 years ago today you have given us the love we never knew to exist.
I loved being pregnant with you. At first I was convinced you were a boy. I thought only boys can make their mom so sick for three months.
When we learned we were expecting a girl I knew you would change our life forever. Especially your daddy’s!
2 years ago today you have decided it was your time to come. We have worked hard, the both of us, to get you out safely.
I never knew one can fall in love instantly. Just like that. Both daddy and I loved you from the moment you were born.
You were the most precious newborn I have ever seen.
2 years ago today you have given us what two people in love can ask for. You made our life complete.
These past two years were the best years of our lives. We have come so far and learned so much. Not just about you and how to be parents, but about ourselves and about each other, your dad and I. You have brought so much joy and love into our lives.
These past two years you went from being a newborn baby to growing into this little person with a huge personality.
I’ve learned that there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I’ve learned what unconditional love means, and I have to thank you for that.
I am looking forward to the years to come and the things you will teach us while we take each step on this journey.
So, there is only one more thing to say! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Love always,
2 years ago today you came into our life. It is amazing to me that 2 years have already passed.
2 years ago today you have given us the love we never knew to exist.
I loved being pregnant with you. At first I was convinced you were a boy. I thought only boys can make their mom so sick for three months.
When we learned we were expecting a girl I knew you would change our life forever. Especially your daddy’s!
2 years ago today you have decided it was your time to come. We have worked hard, the both of us, to get you out safely.
I never knew one can fall in love instantly. Just like that. Both daddy and I loved you from the moment you were born.
You were the most precious newborn I have ever seen.
2 years ago today you have given us what two people in love can ask for. You made our life complete.
These past two years were the best years of our lives. We have come so far and learned so much. Not just about you and how to be parents, but about ourselves and about each other, your dad and I. You have brought so much joy and love into our lives.
These past two years you went from being a newborn baby to growing into this little person with a huge personality.
I’ve learned that there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I’ve learned what unconditional love means, and I have to thank you for that.
I am looking forward to the years to come and the things you will teach us while we take each step on this journey.
So, there is only one more thing to say! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Love always,
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 11-21
The next 10 letters I have written to Naddie in the old fashion way.
I took a paper and a pen. Wow! What a change after typing for the past 10 years of my life.
I am not sure what happened to the good old fashioned slow mails.
I would like to make sure that I will leave some of those to her as I think letters ( real once) might be distinct by the time she would be interested in reading them.
I will have a letter box for her put aside and when she will be ready she can read them.
So that is where letter 10-11 will be waiting for my little bug!
I took a paper and a pen. Wow! What a change after typing for the past 10 years of my life.
I am not sure what happened to the good old fashioned slow mails.
I would like to make sure that I will leave some of those to her as I think letters ( real once) might be distinct by the time she would be interested in reading them.
I will have a letter box for her put aside and when she will be ready she can read them.
So that is where letter 10-11 will be waiting for my little bug!
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 10
Dear Naddie!
Today is December 10, 2008. It is Wednesday!
It seems you had a hard day at daycare today. I was told you were not yourself and I am not sure why.
I know you have big changes in your life and I will have to blame that for now.
You are approaching your birthday and that my dear comes with great sacrifices.
You are officially moved to the 2’s room where is you are one of the youngest child. When I dropped you off this morning I realized it might be a lonely place for you. For now. The room is larger than what you are used to and there are more children in there.
When you set at the table to eat your breakfast, you seemed so lonely staring at the older kids. They don’t really get you. You do not get them. You sit there with your little thumb in your mouth, while they all stare at you (back) and keep asking you questions.
“Why are you sucking your thumb?”
“Where is your mom going?”
“Why are you not eating your breakfast?”
You just sit there quietly with your eyes wide open looking from one kid to the next.
I know that for now it might be a lonely world for you in that big room, but I am convinced that you will fit in just fine and it will give you the power to adopt to whatever life will through in your way. You are one tough little cookie in that tiny body! You will be just fine!
Today is December 10, 2008. It is Wednesday!
It seems you had a hard day at daycare today. I was told you were not yourself and I am not sure why.
I know you have big changes in your life and I will have to blame that for now.
You are approaching your birthday and that my dear comes with great sacrifices.
You are officially moved to the 2’s room where is you are one of the youngest child. When I dropped you off this morning I realized it might be a lonely place for you. For now. The room is larger than what you are used to and there are more children in there.
When you set at the table to eat your breakfast, you seemed so lonely staring at the older kids. They don’t really get you. You do not get them. You sit there with your little thumb in your mouth, while they all stare at you (back) and keep asking you questions.
“Why are you sucking your thumb?”
“Where is your mom going?”
“Why are you not eating your breakfast?”
You just sit there quietly with your eyes wide open looking from one kid to the next.
I know that for now it might be a lonely world for you in that big room, but I am convinced that you will fit in just fine and it will give you the power to adopt to whatever life will through in your way. You are one tough little cookie in that tiny body! You will be just fine!
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 9
Dear Naddie!
Today is December 9, 2008. It is Tuesday!
What a long day we both had. To top it off, at the end of the day, as we do every day we called Agi mama.
Oh, how much you enjoy talking to her on the phone. She is so far away at this point that the best we can do is these meaningful phone calls each day.
At first you would just listen to her and as time has passed you would participate more and more. Now you want to talk to her. You bring me the phone and tell me to call her. Once we do, you say hello and give her the orders to sing some songs and tell you some stories. And she does… And than you dance when she sings while you are holding on to the phone with one hand, and answer (most of the time) her questions when she asks you something. And than you tell her you are done and now it’s time for bye, bye! And than there are the times when you just don’t feel like talking. And than mommy talks to Agi mama and you get frustrated because I am not giving you my fullest attention you so deserve.
Today is December 9, 2008. It is Tuesday!
What a long day we both had. To top it off, at the end of the day, as we do every day we called Agi mama.
Oh, how much you enjoy talking to her on the phone. She is so far away at this point that the best we can do is these meaningful phone calls each day.
At first you would just listen to her and as time has passed you would participate more and more. Now you want to talk to her. You bring me the phone and tell me to call her. Once we do, you say hello and give her the orders to sing some songs and tell you some stories. And she does… And than you dance when she sings while you are holding on to the phone with one hand, and answer (most of the time) her questions when she asks you something. And than you tell her you are done and now it’s time for bye, bye! And than there are the times when you just don’t feel like talking. And than mommy talks to Agi mama and you get frustrated because I am not giving you my fullest attention you so deserve.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 8
Dear Nadine!
Today is December 8, 2008 Monday.
We both had the case of a Monday. I don’t like Mondays. You don’t like Mondays.
Mondays mean early rising and getting back to our “Jobs”. You go to daycare and I go too work. I miss you throughout the day and you miss me too. We don’t like Mondays.
Mondays mean evil good buys and happy joyful hellos!
I don’t like to be away from you. I don’t like to miss you for 8 long hours. I can never get out of work fast enough to get to you. I can never get enough of your arms around my neck and you lovely kisses on my face.
I don’t like Mondays!
Today is December 8, 2008 Monday.
We both had the case of a Monday. I don’t like Mondays. You don’t like Mondays.
Mondays mean early rising and getting back to our “Jobs”. You go to daycare and I go too work. I miss you throughout the day and you miss me too. We don’t like Mondays.
Mondays mean evil good buys and happy joyful hellos!
I don’t like to be away from you. I don’t like to miss you for 8 long hours. I can never get out of work fast enough to get to you. I can never get enough of your arms around my neck and you lovely kisses on my face.
I don’t like Mondays!
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 7
Dear Nadine!
Today is December 7, 2008 Sunday.
Sunday, lazy Sunday. We did NOTHING today. Dada did not feel good so you and I just played and played and played. We also watched some Tommy. Oh, Tommy!
You know we have been every little toddlers nightmare kind of parents. Until recently we really did not let you watch TV. We both believed (and still believe) that you would do just fine without the square evil.
Even now, it is only right after you take a bath, that you are allowed to put Thomas the Tank Engine on, as it is the only thing that will make you sit down for 20 minutes right before bed. You are so excited to watch the same 6 episodes over and over again we have available to us. Thomas is your friend. Thomas is your night routine partner. Thomas is you very first animated buddy.
Today is December 7, 2008 Sunday.
Sunday, lazy Sunday. We did NOTHING today. Dada did not feel good so you and I just played and played and played. We also watched some Tommy. Oh, Tommy!
You know we have been every little toddlers nightmare kind of parents. Until recently we really did not let you watch TV. We both believed (and still believe) that you would do just fine without the square evil.
Even now, it is only right after you take a bath, that you are allowed to put Thomas the Tank Engine on, as it is the only thing that will make you sit down for 20 minutes right before bed. You are so excited to watch the same 6 episodes over and over again we have available to us. Thomas is your friend. Thomas is your night routine partner. Thomas is you very first animated buddy.
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 6
Dear Naddie!
Today is December 6, 2008 Saturday.
I love the weekends. I love our routines and our silly games we play. You always sleep in on the weekends now. Which consequently means we get to sleep in, so I have to thank you for that. I hope you keep your great habits and maybe even pick some new ones up.
Every Saturday and Sunday morning after you get up and have breakfast you get Dada to play some music for you. He loves to play the Beach Boys, The Beetles, Jack Johnson or the Bearnaked Ladies to you. Each time the music comes on you just start dancing. You are already a great little dancer. You move to the left you skip to the right, you jump up and down and you have soo much fun with it. You love music. You adore your father playing guitar to you. Sometimes you play your own or you help daddy picking his strings.
This weekend you figured out that the tube Daddy just got in the mail can work as a drum.
I would love for you to play instruments as I never learned how to or for you to love dancing as I have always loved. I hope that you will always follow your passion and succeed in whatever you choose.
Today is December 6, 2008 Saturday.
I love the weekends. I love our routines and our silly games we play. You always sleep in on the weekends now. Which consequently means we get to sleep in, so I have to thank you for that. I hope you keep your great habits and maybe even pick some new ones up.
Every Saturday and Sunday morning after you get up and have breakfast you get Dada to play some music for you. He loves to play the Beach Boys, The Beetles, Jack Johnson or the Bearnaked Ladies to you. Each time the music comes on you just start dancing. You are already a great little dancer. You move to the left you skip to the right, you jump up and down and you have soo much fun with it. You love music. You adore your father playing guitar to you. Sometimes you play your own or you help daddy picking his strings.
This weekend you figured out that the tube Daddy just got in the mail can work as a drum.
I would love for you to play instruments as I never learned how to or for you to love dancing as I have always loved. I hope that you will always follow your passion and succeed in whatever you choose.
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 5
Dear Naddie!
Today is December 5, 2008 Friday.
…and the day has come. You found Puma sitting in the box once again. This time though, you took the opportunity to push him around and talk me into joining in the “fun”. Because you tell me now when “It’s fun” and you chuckle in such a funny way. I am not always sure if I get your sense of humor but trust me, I do try.
Today is December 5, 2008 Friday.
…and the day has come. You found Puma sitting in the box once again. This time though, you took the opportunity to push him around and talk me into joining in the “fun”. Because you tell me now when “It’s fun” and you chuckle in such a funny way. I am not always sure if I get your sense of humor but trust me, I do try.
Monday, December 8, 2008
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 4
Today is December 4, 2008 Thursday. Today I realized how much you have grown in the past few weeks. I have thought I don’t feed you enough or that me limiting your half an hour requests for food made you loose that little Buddha belly I have grown to love. I have been concerned, until today. When I picked you up from daycare today you stood right next to Jordan who is now shorter than you are. She used to be taller and wider. She is no longer any of that.
You have grown taller and thinned out without me noticing until today. I feel such a relief to know it was the healthy way you lost the beloved belly.
You look more and more like a “little child” now. You are changing in every way. I wish I could stop time and just leave you the way you are. Time just seems to go buy too fast and I hope to capture every little details and moment you, daddy and I share. When I look at your baby pictures I miss the new baby smell and the cuddling hours we spent. When I look at you know I smile because you are an amazing little child. When I look ahead I can not wait to see and know the person you will become!
Today is December 4, 2008 Thursday. Today I realized how much you have grown in the past few weeks. I have thought I don’t feed you enough or that me limiting your half an hour requests for food made you loose that little Buddha belly I have grown to love. I have been concerned, until today. When I picked you up from daycare today you stood right next to Jordan who is now shorter than you are. She used to be taller and wider. She is no longer any of that.
You have grown taller and thinned out without me noticing until today. I feel such a relief to know it was the healthy way you lost the beloved belly.
You look more and more like a “little child” now. You are changing in every way. I wish I could stop time and just leave you the way you are. Time just seems to go buy too fast and I hope to capture every little details and moment you, daddy and I share. When I look at your baby pictures I miss the new baby smell and the cuddling hours we spent. When I look at you know I smile because you are an amazing little child. When I look ahead I can not wait to see and know the person you will become!
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 3

Dear Baby Bug!
Today is December 3, 2008 Wednesday. I have been thinking if I should just keep writing about your day, when you (my muse) made me want to write about your LOVE of shoes. It is a deep affection you have for anything that resembles SHOES. You seek them out, try them on one by one and sometimes tenderly care for them. You will wear your daddy’s Doc’s or my high heals. You certainly do not discriminate against any kind. THEY ARE ALL EQUAL in your world.
I love how you put up a little show for us. How you make sure you walk on the tiles to see how each of them sound.
You really like when someone realizes you have new shoes on and certainly can’t wait to show them off.
So this year, we have decided to gift new shoes to 3 children in your name through a non for profit corporation. You actually helped me choose the shoes and didn’t even try to put them when I explained that they were for babies who really needed them.
Maybe this is another one of those things that we can keep as a tradition.
Today is December 3, 2008 Wednesday. I have been thinking if I should just keep writing about your day, when you (my muse) made me want to write about your LOVE of shoes. It is a deep affection you have for anything that resembles SHOES. You seek them out, try them on one by one and sometimes tenderly care for them. You will wear your daddy’s Doc’s or my high heals. You certainly do not discriminate against any kind. THEY ARE ALL EQUAL in your world.
I love how you put up a little show for us. How you make sure you walk on the tiles to see how each of them sound.
You really like when someone realizes you have new shoes on and certainly can’t wait to show them off.
So this year, we have decided to gift new shoes to 3 children in your name through a non for profit corporation. You actually helped me choose the shoes and didn’t even try to put them when I explained that they were for babies who really needed them.
Maybe this is another one of those things that we can keep as a tradition.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: 2nd Letter

Dear Naddie!
Today is December 2, 2008. It is Tuesday.
We had somewhat of a short day to spend together as I had to work longer hours than the usual. Our morning routine went smoothly and there was no struggle to get the day going. Although you are (at this point) a “very” strong willed child I often feel blessed that you are a pretty mellow toddler for the most part. Sure you have the occasional melt downs and throw some tantrums in our way. I still feel that it could be worse. The not so happy moments are rear and don’t come by too often. It is the happy moments we live by.
You make us laugh now. I mean laugh hard! You have developed this great sense of humor in the past month. When you make us laugh you laugh with us and you seem to understand the importance of laugh. When you see daddy and me smile, you point and say: “HAPPY”.
You love seeing us happy. You love being happy.
Even today. You were so happy to see the “MOOOON” when I picked you up. To see the satisfaction on your face was priceless. We stood in the parking lot, starred at the moon and pointed at the stars while tried to count them.
Getting home is almost always fun. I say almost because there are Tuesdays when daddy does not get home until after your bed time and you don’t get to see him.
I think this is why you took it out on puma tonight. He was in a “dog house” and any time he walked by you just told him: “NO! NO! NO! BAD MIAU!”
You did not even want to share your new box with him. The one you like to sit in and be pushed around. Now he likes to sit in it too. We are convinced he gets in there just because you get in there. I think it is a matter of time that we will find you pushing him around. This would not even come close to making him feel as humiliated as the pink snowman shoes you had him try on.
He is soo patient with you and so loving. I also think it has lot to do with you feeding him whenever and as often as you can. You adore him and took ownership of him. I just hope and wish that you will always remember him. He will always be Puma, your first cat.
Today is December 2, 2008. It is Tuesday.
We had somewhat of a short day to spend together as I had to work longer hours than the usual. Our morning routine went smoothly and there was no struggle to get the day going. Although you are (at this point) a “very” strong willed child I often feel blessed that you are a pretty mellow toddler for the most part. Sure you have the occasional melt downs and throw some tantrums in our way. I still feel that it could be worse. The not so happy moments are rear and don’t come by too often. It is the happy moments we live by.
You make us laugh now. I mean laugh hard! You have developed this great sense of humor in the past month. When you make us laugh you laugh with us and you seem to understand the importance of laugh. When you see daddy and me smile, you point and say: “HAPPY”.
You love seeing us happy. You love being happy.
Even today. You were so happy to see the “MOOOON” when I picked you up. To see the satisfaction on your face was priceless. We stood in the parking lot, starred at the moon and pointed at the stars while tried to count them.
Getting home is almost always fun. I say almost because there are Tuesdays when daddy does not get home until after your bed time and you don’t get to see him.
I think this is why you took it out on puma tonight. He was in a “dog house” and any time he walked by you just told him: “NO! NO! NO! BAD MIAU!”
You did not even want to share your new box with him. The one you like to sit in and be pushed around. Now he likes to sit in it too. We are convinced he gets in there just because you get in there. I think it is a matter of time that we will find you pushing him around. This would not even come close to making him feel as humiliated as the pink snowman shoes you had him try on.
He is soo patient with you and so loving. I also think it has lot to do with you feeding him whenever and as often as you can. You adore him and took ownership of him. I just hope and wish that you will always remember him. He will always be Puma, your first cat.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: 1s Letter

Dear Nadine!
Today is December 1st 2008. I have decided that one of my gifts to you this year for your upcoming birthday is 22 letters with everything I would like to share. Maybe I will keep this as a tradition for every upcoming birthday. I think that you will like to read these when you are old enough and hold on to them to share with your children and significant other.
My mind is jumping from one topic to another as I have so much I would like to tell you and perhaps capture for you. I will keep it simple for now and stick to the things that will happen (or happened, by the time you read this) in this 22 days.
Today is Monday. We had a long 4 day weekend and I was afraid you would be upset to realize that it was time to go back to daycare. To my biggest surprise I only had to deal with one melt down, related to getting your shirt on. You are at the point where getting dressed is YOUR job. You no longer need my help and how dare do I try!? I really love seeing how you try to put your shirt on your legs and how you struggle using your pants as a hat. Unfortunately we don't always have the time to see the outcome of your fantastic fashion statements.
Today was also the first day that in addition to your beloved blankie we also had to take your pillow with us. I fear that what was once the two of us and than the three of us now is the four of us riding in the car. Your "boi" (a.k.a. pillow) is one that Agi mama has sent you about a month ago. I knew when it arrived (in a shoe box and you yelled SHOE??!!!) that we might need to see an interventionist in the near future about your new found addiction.
You also surprised me and your little teacher when we got to daycare by giving her a hug, the kind I always thought you reserved for ME and for ME only. It's the very loving kind of hug. You have a different kind of hug for people in your life and I thought this was mine. As I walked away I knew I had to share. I have to share you with her, anyways. I heard her in the distance telling me how much she loves you and is really happy to see you after a long weekend and was craving the hug you have for her.
I thought it would hurt to share the love with others, but reality is that I love who you are becoming and the love you share with the people in your life. You just have the most loving nature. You adore people and love to make them smile and happy. You are a little lover and an entertainer stuffed into a little body.
On the way home in the evening you asked me a question and I did not understand so I had you repeat it. And you did. You asked me: “Whea is de sun?”
It is December and the sun sets early now. Today we also had thick fog hiding the sky and you took notice of that. So I said: “The sun went night night, so that the moon can rise”. You looked up and than looked straight at me (as if you knew that I can see you in my rearview mirror) and nodded. Nodded and said: “Hey Moon”. That was to let me know that you did indeed get it. It all made sense to you. Even though you could not see the moon, you trusted me that what I said is the truth. The trust I hope you’ll always have in me.
Today is December 1st 2008. I have decided that one of my gifts to you this year for your upcoming birthday is 22 letters with everything I would like to share. Maybe I will keep this as a tradition for every upcoming birthday. I think that you will like to read these when you are old enough and hold on to them to share with your children and significant other.
My mind is jumping from one topic to another as I have so much I would like to tell you and perhaps capture for you. I will keep it simple for now and stick to the things that will happen (or happened, by the time you read this) in this 22 days.
Today is Monday. We had a long 4 day weekend and I was afraid you would be upset to realize that it was time to go back to daycare. To my biggest surprise I only had to deal with one melt down, related to getting your shirt on. You are at the point where getting dressed is YOUR job. You no longer need my help and how dare do I try!? I really love seeing how you try to put your shirt on your legs and how you struggle using your pants as a hat. Unfortunately we don't always have the time to see the outcome of your fantastic fashion statements.
Today was also the first day that in addition to your beloved blankie we also had to take your pillow with us. I fear that what was once the two of us and than the three of us now is the four of us riding in the car. Your "boi" (a.k.a. pillow) is one that Agi mama has sent you about a month ago. I knew when it arrived (in a shoe box and you yelled SHOE??!!!) that we might need to see an interventionist in the near future about your new found addiction.
You also surprised me and your little teacher when we got to daycare by giving her a hug, the kind I always thought you reserved for ME and for ME only. It's the very loving kind of hug. You have a different kind of hug for people in your life and I thought this was mine. As I walked away I knew I had to share. I have to share you with her, anyways. I heard her in the distance telling me how much she loves you and is really happy to see you after a long weekend and was craving the hug you have for her.
I thought it would hurt to share the love with others, but reality is that I love who you are becoming and the love you share with the people in your life. You just have the most loving nature. You adore people and love to make them smile and happy. You are a little lover and an entertainer stuffed into a little body.
On the way home in the evening you asked me a question and I did not understand so I had you repeat it. And you did. You asked me: “Whea is de sun?”
It is December and the sun sets early now. Today we also had thick fog hiding the sky and you took notice of that. So I said: “The sun went night night, so that the moon can rise”. You looked up and than looked straight at me (as if you knew that I can see you in my rearview mirror) and nodded. Nodded and said: “Hey Moon”. That was to let me know that you did indeed get it. It all made sense to you. Even though you could not see the moon, you trusted me that what I said is the truth. The trust I hope you’ll always have in me.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
ABC easy as 123
Baby bug surprised me with her knowledge of numbers the other day. I started counting:
Me: One
Ms. N without hesitation: Too
Me: Two
Ms. N: Thwee
Me: Three
Ms N: Foo.....
...and so you get the picture. I was shocked as I have not been teaching her the numbers. I guess the ladies at daycare might have touched on the subject as I don't think she just came up with them on her own. I have been focusing on colors rather. We already got "back" and "phite" and "red" and "boo" down.
So numbers are the topic of our conversation and our plays. We eat numbers and write numbers and think numbers and dream numbers......
Thursday, November 13, 2008
'This is my message to you-ou-ou:'
When I was picking her up, her old little teacher directed me to the right room.
I was greeted by: “Someone’s mom is here to pick them up” stated by this cutie, to which her new little teacher just responded with: “Oh, its Nadine’s mom!” The little cutie looked around, zoomed in on Ms. N and said: “Nadine your mom is here!” to which baby bug responded with a shoulder shrug and kept playing. At this point I realized she is definitely ready for this room.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Pick a peppe’, pick a peppe’, pick a pickle….say what?
We are starting a club. We will call ourselves “PICKLE LOVERS”. Membership requirements are the follows:
- eat pickles every month
- eat pickles every week
- eat pickles every day
- eat as much pickles as you can in one sitting
- if life hands you anything other than pickles for your meals just ask for a pickle (well maybe some frozen yogurt)
Should you have any questions regarding our membership benefits besides the obvious, please feel free to contact Ms. N (chairwoman) or Ms. A (second chairwoman).
We are starting a club. We will call ourselves “PICKLE LOVERS”. Membership requirements are the follows:
- eat pickles every month
- eat pickles every week
- eat pickles every day
- eat as much pickles as you can in one sitting
- if life hands you anything other than pickles for your meals just ask for a pickle (well maybe some frozen yogurt)
Should you have any questions regarding our membership benefits besides the obvious, please feel free to contact Ms. N (chairwoman) or Ms. A (second chairwoman).
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Let's just say we had a blast. Downtown Huntington with crazy little "bugs" swarming the streets, mini padding zoo, music, tons of candy & smiling faces. Who can ask for more?
Ms. N started understanding the concept of trick or treating. She knew she just had to be cute and these crazy adults would hand her something and than she would place it in her bag. She has no idea that those things are candy and let's just leave it that way. She already has enough energy.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Movin' all up

Who knew that this day would come? Well, we all did. I just did not anticipate it would come this week, or this month or really this year.
Ms. N started REAL potty training at daycare. She will be starting a new chapter in her life and will be moving to the room where the “two: year olds hang out. And where the two year olds hang out there aint no diapers (unless it’s a pull-up), sippy cups or crying allowed (I made up the latter). Where the two year olds hang out, there are more kids and less adults in case they feel the urge to take over the room.
To be admitted you have to be cool and almost two year old. ’cause where the two year olds hang out is a cool new room for my little bug.
Ms. N started REAL potty training at daycare. She will be starting a new chapter in her life and will be moving to the room where the “two: year olds hang out. And where the two year olds hang out there aint no diapers (unless it’s a pull-up), sippy cups or crying allowed (I made up the latter). Where the two year olds hang out, there are more kids and less adults in case they feel the urge to take over the room.
To be admitted you have to be cool and almost two year old. ’cause where the two year olds hang out is a cool new room for my little bug.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Baby Bug is HAPPY!!
As my little baby bug would say: HAPPY!!!!
She had said that after an incredible fun filled weekend.
On Friday she got to attend her first ever (I am pretty sure this wasn‘t the last one) party at her daycare center. It was their “Halloween” party for all ages and parents.
Saturday both her and I got our yearly flu shot and than Will I took her for a long long walk even though at first she had a bit of a hard time walking on her “Booboo” leg. That is until we told her that there was ice cream at the end of our walk. We closed the day with a dip in the pool and the humongous bubble filled bath tub we call the Jacuzzi.
Sunday she decided to start her carrier early and was building family homes and apartment towers out of her building blocks. After her architectural job was done we took her to the Irvine Park where they had the annual pumpkin patch and about a million people. Despite the masses we had a wonderful time and decided to take her back for the train ride and the pony ride another day.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Friends & Family

Ms. N spent some time with her beloved Mor Mor while she was visiting last week. She was able to show off how her little personality has exploded into our face. While getting ready one morning, after Ms. N got dressed pretty much on her own (with a little help though) walke

She now has 3 friends at daycare. Anna, Mia & Joydie (aka Jordan). She talks about them all the time, she calls them on the phone and while approaching the street her daycare is on she gets so excited she calls their names out. LOUD!!!!
We also realized she took after my mom (aka Agi mama). Everything has to be in order, clean and neat. While cleaning she says: Bye, Bye Diytee!

Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, Family Sunday

Well, it was. It's just that while we were enjoying all the above mentioned activities, somehow, somewhere my little bug decided to hold on to this really nice viral infection called the pink eye.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Storries of the Little Person who loved bouncy things Part 2
...... Well as time past by neither the mom nor the dad could keep this Little Person inside, so they decided to take the risk. As this Little Person was too young to go alone the dad got ready take a walk and the mom wished him good luck knowing what he would be facing. As soon as this Little Person laid eyes on the bouncy house she became so ecstatic that all she wanted is to jump up and down in that big, red colored playhouse. This Little Person's parents (mostly the dad) had to explain that she was just a little too small to join the "big" kids who already took over the big red bouncy house and that just going for a walk would be as much fun.
As this Little Person watched the "big" kids bounce up and down through her tears she realized that just being with dad would really be just as much fun. She took the dad's hand and walked a way knowing that one day she will be the "big" kid jumping in a big red bouncy house!
As this Little Person watched the "big" kids bounce up and down through her tears she realized that just being with dad would really be just as much fun. She took the dad's hand and walked a way knowing that one day she will be the "big" kid jumping in a big red bouncy house!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Storries of The Little Person who loved bouncy things Part I

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Great big news
We just found out that we will be having a nephew!!! We are so excited. I always thought (well, ever since they told us they were pregnant) that Bea and Zoltan will have a little boy who will look just like my brother(sorry Bea!). I imagine him as a strong and chubby little bug, with dark almost black hair and an amazingly peaceful face with always a smile on it. Oh, I can not tell how happy I am. I really can't wait to hold him in my arms. I believe the tummy tenant's due date is the 22nd of February. WE CAN NOT WAIT TO HAVE YOU LITTLE FELLOW!!!!!!
And now the second news I have to share.......(drum rolls).... We are moving to New Zealand next June. Will got a job offer from the University of Auckland and we decided to take it. What an amazing opportunity! This decision did not come easy, but we are very excited.
And now the second news I have to share.......(drum rolls).... We are moving to New Zealand next June. Will got a job offer from the University of Auckland and we decided to take it. What an amazing opportunity! This decision did not come easy, but we are very excited.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Ben Ben & Auntie Laura

We took them to one of our favorite beach yesterday and here are the pictures to share.
I have to give a shout out to all multiple children's moms. To be honest I have no idea how you all do it? Here is to all of you.....(Imagin me holding my vodka martini up! An extra strong one!)

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Mama, whas that? Bugz? Mama!
I have to admit I have "self diagnosed" her. It is not from a doctor's mouth. At least not from a real one; not from one that helps people, you know. I say this because I think that Will might have "diagnosed" her before me. Seeing as he is a doctor I even believe him. He is just not a "real" doc. He is one I would call: A doctor without the healing hand.
Anyways. Ms. N has a terrible time around any and every little crawling or flying creature. How could have this happened? When I was her age I took every little hairy, disgusting, crawling or flying insect home. Which of course made my mom very happy! Well, not really. My point is that this is another "thing" that just skipped a generation.
My dear mom is so happy to hear this. She can not stand them either. She hated the times I brought them home or even touched them. She lived with it and even kept cool, but I think inside she was silently screaming, "Get it off! get it off! Keep smiling! Keep smiling! Please make her take this outside! Keep smiling!" That's just my mom.
So here I am! Dealing with a little one who would rather leave the house and run away if there is a spider sharing some space with us. A little one who can't stand ants, even if you tell her how intelligent they are and how hard they work. And really who ever thought lady bugs are cute anyways?
The only thing I ask: How can we cope with it?
The only thing I ask: How can we cope with it?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Qoute Of The Week
Ms.N & I are standing in line. I am holding her when all of the sudden she pulls my shirt and looks down.
Ms.N: Mmmm...
Me: Hey! Please don't undress me.
Ms.N: Hmm. Booby!
Me: Please let my shirt go! It is not nice to say that in public.
Ms. N: Pease! Booby!
This is after Will asking me not to teach her "booby".
Ms.N: Mmmm...
Me: Hey! Please don't undress me.
Ms.N: Hmm. Booby!
Me: Please let my shirt go! It is not nice to say that in public.
Ms. N: Pease! Booby!
This is after Will asking me not to teach her "booby".
Long, long time ago......
Naddie has been happy with all the commotion and loved all the attention she got. Having Hungarian speaking family and friends around she has been learning and using more of the language which will make my older brother Zoltan happy! Speaking of Zoltan. Him and his fiancé are expecting their first baby! I will be an aunty again! I can’t wait to find out if it is a girl or a boy. They are doing great and Bea’s belly is growing like a watermelon according to my mom.
So our life has been hectic but I am back to blogging……

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Qoute of the week
Ms. N was trying to "hit" me while getting frustrated because she could not get what she wanted at the moment. I am trying to talk to her about the incident:
Me: We do not hit anyone! Especially not anyone we love. Can you say you are sorry?
Ms. N: staring
Me: Mommy asked if you can say you are sorry?
Ms. N: smiling
Me: I am going to tell daddy that you hit mommy!
Ms. N: No! Pease don!
Me: We do not hit anyone! Especially not anyone we love. Can you say you are sorry?
Ms. N: staring
Me: Mommy asked if you can say you are sorry?
Ms. N: smiling
Me: I am going to tell daddy that you hit mommy!
Ms. N: No! Pease don!
Hot & Spicy

My now 20 months old baby girl will eat jalapeno filled guacamole, “red hot organic blue” chips or just plain hot sauce like there is no tomorrow. What’s totally interesting is that it does “hurt” her taste spots on her tongue but she just keeps going. She seems to literally just rub it off. Yes, rub it off with her fingers while her other hand is reaching for more. She also learned that drinking milk really helps when it burns the most.
I also could not believe that even without ever telling her she started using HOT!! While eating something spicy. I don’t know if she thinks of it as the same sensation in her mouth but she uses hot for both spicy and hot as warm.
She seems to amaze me every day. I no longer can keep up telling you all about the new words or sentences she uses. She observes people around her as if she is getting ready to assume multiple aliases to carry out some mission.
My mission lately is to keep her from constantly hurting herself. I guess a little “Nikita” comes into action. Her motions are unpredictable and fearless. I use the word motion to describe exactly what I mean. Motion in physics mean: continues change in the location of the body!!! Exactly.

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