Dear Naddie!
Today is December 2, 2008. It is Tuesday.
We had somewhat of a short day to spend together as I had to work longer hours than the usual. Our morning routine went smoothly and there was no struggle to get the day going. Although you are (at this point) a “very” strong willed child I often feel blessed that you are a pretty mellow toddler for the most part. Sure you have the occasional melt downs and throw some tantrums in our way. I still feel that it could be worse. The not so happy moments are rear and don’t come by too often. It is the happy moments we live by.
You make us laugh now. I mean laugh hard! You have developed this great sense of humor in the past month. When you make us laugh you laugh with us and you seem to understand the importance of laugh. When you see daddy and me smile, you point and say: “HAPPY”.
You love seeing us happy. You love being happy.
Even today. You were so happy to see the “MOOOON” when I picked you up. To see the satisfaction on your face was priceless. We stood in the parking lot, starred at the moon and pointed at the stars while tried to count them.
Getting home is almost always fun. I say almost because there are Tuesdays when daddy does not get home until after your bed time and you don’t get to see him.
I think this is why you took it out on puma tonight. He was in a “dog house” and any time he walked by you just told him: “NO! NO! NO! BAD MIAU!”
You did not even want to share your new box with him. The one you like to sit in and be pushed around. Now he likes to sit in it too. We are convinced he gets in there just because you get in there. I think it is a matter of time that we will find you pushing him around. This would not even come close to making him feel as humiliated as the pink snowman shoes you had him try on.
He is soo patient with you and so loving. I also think it has lot to do with you feeding him whenever and as often as you can. You adore him and took ownership of him. I just hope and wish that you will always remember him. He will always be Puma, your first cat.
Today is December 2, 2008. It is Tuesday.
We had somewhat of a short day to spend together as I had to work longer hours than the usual. Our morning routine went smoothly and there was no struggle to get the day going. Although you are (at this point) a “very” strong willed child I often feel blessed that you are a pretty mellow toddler for the most part. Sure you have the occasional melt downs and throw some tantrums in our way. I still feel that it could be worse. The not so happy moments are rear and don’t come by too often. It is the happy moments we live by.
You make us laugh now. I mean laugh hard! You have developed this great sense of humor in the past month. When you make us laugh you laugh with us and you seem to understand the importance of laugh. When you see daddy and me smile, you point and say: “HAPPY”.
You love seeing us happy. You love being happy.
Even today. You were so happy to see the “MOOOON” when I picked you up. To see the satisfaction on your face was priceless. We stood in the parking lot, starred at the moon and pointed at the stars while tried to count them.
Getting home is almost always fun. I say almost because there are Tuesdays when daddy does not get home until after your bed time and you don’t get to see him.
I think this is why you took it out on puma tonight. He was in a “dog house” and any time he walked by you just told him: “NO! NO! NO! BAD MIAU!”
You did not even want to share your new box with him. The one you like to sit in and be pushed around. Now he likes to sit in it too. We are convinced he gets in there just because you get in there. I think it is a matter of time that we will find you pushing him around. This would not even come close to making him feel as humiliated as the pink snowman shoes you had him try on.
He is soo patient with you and so loving. I also think it has lot to do with you feeding him whenever and as often as you can. You adore him and took ownership of him. I just hope and wish that you will always remember him. He will always be Puma, your first cat.
Baby Bug really is growing up! :)
Yes! Too quickly!
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