Monday, December 8, 2008

22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 4

Today is December 4, 2008 Thursday. Today I realized how much you have grown in the past few weeks. I have thought I don’t feed you enough or that me limiting your half an hour requests for food made you loose that little Buddha belly I have grown to love. I have been concerned, until today. When I picked you up from daycare today you stood right next to Jordan who is now shorter than you are. She used to be taller and wider. She is no longer any of that.
You have grown taller and thinned out without me noticing until today. I feel such a relief to know it was the healthy way you lost the beloved belly.
You look more and more like a “little child” now. You are changing in every way. I wish I could stop time and just leave you the way you are. Time just seems to go buy too fast and I hope to capture every little details and moment you, daddy and I share. When I look at your baby pictures I miss the new baby smell and the cuddling hours we spent. When I look at you know I smile because you are an amazing little child. When I look ahead I can not wait to see and know the person you will become!


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