Monday, December 22, 2008

22 Days of Baby Bug's Birthday: Letter 11-21

The next 10 letters I have written to Naddie in the old fashion way.
I took a paper and a pen. Wow! What a change after typing for the past 10 years of my life.
I am not sure what happened to the good old fashioned slow mails.
I would like to make sure that I will leave some of those to her as I think letters ( real once) might be distinct by the time she would be interested in reading them.
I will have a letter box for her put aside and when she will be ready she can read them.
So that is where letter 10-11 will be waiting for my little bug!


Sara said...

I have been keeping a journal for Bella since she was conceived. It is so much fun, and I can't wait for her to read it when she grows up. I love reading your entries:)

Naddie said...

Thank you Sara!
We are happy to hear from you!