Thursday, October 4, 2007

Quiet Times

So, people came and went. We are back to our usual routine. Next weekend Mor-mor is coming to visit and we can’t wait to see her.
Naddie is now standing up a lot and walking around holding on to the furniture. She loves to get into everything and none of her toys keep her busy longer than a few minutes. After she gets bored she just takes off to either pull some sort of electrical thingy or to take over puma’s toys.
Last week we got a great new stroller that allows us to go rollerblading and jogging and she seems to have a thing for speed. She gets so excited!!
She also still loves to dance and she picked up this move we shell call the monkey groove. When she gets into it she looks like an over stimulated chimpanzee. You know the ones that stand on their two feet, relax their hands along their side, move only their upper body and head from left to right and right to left.
Will makes the monkey sound when she does the move and she gets such a kick out of it.
I always said I have a monkey attached to me…… ;)

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