Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dream of California.....

A quick update on what is happening?
We are moved out of our house and Will is heading down to sunny California on Monday early morning with Rick. Naddie and I are following him on Saturday the 30th.
We are staying with Mor Mor, Laura, Brian and Ben. Naddie is taking this whole move just fine but it is a bit overwhelming. She is now sitting on her own and plays with Ben's blocks. She loves playing by herself and does not like to share anything.
She also just had some avocado the other day and she absolutely loved it!!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Oh, its the final count down....yea

Here we are. Three more weeks left and the craziness began.
We are already boxing stuff and getting ready for the move to California.
We have moved so many times, one would think it is in our pinky by now.
Well, it is, we just never had to move with a baby!
Naddie is spending her weekends with her teacher and friend Summer from day care so that we can get ready for the movers by the 22nd.

We also have a great big news. Here is part of the email that was sent out to the Boston College sociology department.

"I am thrilled to announce that one of our PhD candidates, William Wood had just won the ASA 2007 Edward Shils-James Coleman award for the best student paper in theory. This is a very competitive award, with honorable mentions going to students at Yale, Northwestern and UPenn. The announcement is below. This award is given to a paper which makes a "profound contribution."

This also means that he has to attend a conference in New York in the first week of August so we will all be there to cheer for him when he accepts the award. (I wonder if they will take it a way from him if we cheer...?)
We are very proud of him!!! He is not only getting this award that week, but finishing up a chapter in his life I know he is ready to get done with.
He will be defending his dissertation in Boston and finally get his PhD.
From that on we can all just call him Dr. Wood.

We were also discussing the cab question in New York and realized that we have no idea how to take a cab with a baby? Do you have to have a car seat? Can they just sit on your lap? How does it work?
Is there anyone out there who has the answer to this question?
Just let us know!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Just call her the over achiever...

*Let's see. For the first time we have visited the Zoo this weekend with Kara and Lyric. It was quite a trip. Not only the heat but the crowd and the time we spent at the place made Naddie and I pretty overwhelmed by the end of the day.She slept through most of it but loved the Polar Bears. We were able to see them while they were swimming in the water and Naddie was mesmerized by the sight.These great big bears look so gracious while they do a little water ballet.

*On Monday we found out that Naddie is one of the STUDENT OF THE MONTH at her day care. I guess she is already an over achiever at age 6 months. Can you say GEEK?So now I am looking for a sticker for my car that says: "PROUD PARENT OF THE STUDENT OF THE MONTH. KCDC"

*She is also eating additional food now. We are giving her Sweet Potatoes and Green Pees. Loves them!! She is also a mess when we are feeding her, but why is mommy here if not to do her laundry?

*Naddie spends a lot of time in the "Donut" at day care (it is a pool of pillows shaped like a donut) to help her lower back get stronger. She also gets to keep some toys in there to play with. This morning one of the little boys (won't name names) was trying to take something from her and she fought for it!! She was screaming kicking and even pushing! She obviously does not like to be bullied.

Naddie's new sing a long song with the clip

Nem tudom, miért van a tengerekben víz, (I don't know why water fills up the seas)
Nyakamon egy fej, kezemen ujj éppen tíz. ([Why I 've] one head on my neck, and fingers on my hand exactly ten)
Nem tudom hogy miért oly jó a málnaíz. (I don't know why raspberry jam is so good)
Hallgatom, s nem tudom, mit dalol a csíz. (I'm listening to it, but don't know what siskin's singing)

De tudom, hogy jó a nyár (But I know that the summer is good)
Hiszen ezer móka vár (Cause thousands of fun await for us)
Úgy kacag a napsugár (The sunshine is laughing so)
A hinta vígan száll (The swing is winging cheerfully)
Ha párnát sző majd a rét (If meadow spins a pillow)
Az enyém a föld, az ég (I'll have the earth and heaven)
És tudom, hogy egyszer mind valóra válnak még a -- (And I know that some day they'll all come true...)
A tündérszép mesék. (.. the beautiful fairy-tales)

Nem tudom, az égre hogy került a nap, (I don't know why the sun is on the sky)
És repülni, hogy tanulnak a madarak. (And how did all the birds learnt to fly)
Nem tudom, miért van a pingvineken frakk, (I don't know why penguins have tail-coats)
Előttem sok dolog homályban marad. (A lot of things'll be always above me)

De tudom, hogy jó a nyár
Hiszen ezer móka vár
Úgy kacag a napsugár
A hinta vígan száll
Ha párnát sző majd a rét
Az enyém a föld, az ég
És tudom, hogy egyszer mind valóra válnak még a -
A tündérszép mesék!
Tudom remek képesség, (I know it's a superb ability -)
A legszebb mit ád az ég, (The best that heaven can give)
Ha felnőtt is képes gyerekszemmel nézni még! (If an adult can stare at things like a kid)