Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Just call her the over achiever...

*Let's see. For the first time we have visited the Zoo this weekend with Kara and Lyric. It was quite a trip. Not only the heat but the crowd and the time we spent at the place made Naddie and I pretty overwhelmed by the end of the day.She slept through most of it but loved the Polar Bears. We were able to see them while they were swimming in the water and Naddie was mesmerized by the sight.These great big bears look so gracious while they do a little water ballet.

*On Monday we found out that Naddie is one of the STUDENT OF THE MONTH at her day care. I guess she is already an over achiever at age 6 months. Can you say GEEK?So now I am looking for a sticker for my car that says: "PROUD PARENT OF THE STUDENT OF THE MONTH. KCDC"

*She is also eating additional food now. We are giving her Sweet Potatoes and Green Pees. Loves them!! She is also a mess when we are feeding her, but why is mommy here if not to do her laundry?

*Naddie spends a lot of time in the "Donut" at day care (it is a pool of pillows shaped like a donut) to help her lower back get stronger. She also gets to keep some toys in there to play with. This morning one of the little boys (won't name names) was trying to take something from her and she fought for it!! She was screaming kicking and even pushing! She obviously does not like to be bullied.

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