Friday, May 22, 2009


"Sorry to those who can not understand this post. It is addressed to Bug's grandpa to thank him for the amaizing Olivia picture he made for her and sent to her."

Itt szeretnenk nagyon szepen megkoszonni az Oliviat.
Sajnos a fenykepezogep nem volt keznel amikor is megerkezett a csomag (es meg az iwiwen kuldott uzenetet sem kaptam meg!!)
Azonban a pici lany majden a nadragjabol ugrott kifele amikor meglatta az o "egyetlen" Oliviajat.
Sikongatva vitta apuciahoz hogy mutassa az ujj szerzemenyet!!!
Azota a kep megjarta az osszes szomszedunk hazat hogy mindenki a csodajara jarhasson es a mi kis manokank buszken mutogatja mindenkinek aki beteszi a labat a lakasba es lelkessen meseli hogy a Laci Papa keszitette neki.
Mar azt is megmutatta hogy hova szeretne a szobajaba es nehezen de talan megertettuk vele hogy most meg nem kerul a falra, hiszen nemsoka koltozunk es meg anya be is szeretne neki keretezni hogy nehogy valami "bubuja" legyen az imadott kepnek.
Laci papa! Ha tudnad micsoda oromot szereztel ennek e kicsi lanynak! En miutan bekereteztetem megint oda adom majd neki es akkor keszitek egy kis filmet rola hatha a reakcio hasonlo lesz mint az elso alkalommal valo "talalkozas".

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While getting her ready for breakfast I asked Bug what she wanted to eat. After a short pause:
"BB:Mommy. I eat airplain.
Me:You eat airplain?
BB:Yes mommy! I eat airplain.
BB:Nooo! No mommy!I no eat airplain.
Me:Well, I didn't think you eat airplain.
BB:No mommy! I eat elitopter (aka helicopter)"
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Naddie’s solution to “running low on lotion”

-1 mischievous toddler
-1 very busy mom
- handful of chopped cheese
- handful of sliced pickles
- handful of cooked “hot dogs”
- lots and lots of ketchup

Place all ingredients on a plate. Before starting any commotion make sure that mommy is not looking.
When all is clear, push everything on the table; besides the ketchup and slowly, but thoroughly start rubbing the ketchup to every inch of the exposed skin on your body.
Let it sit for about 5 minutes and after mommy’s initial shock enjoy your ­masterpiece.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I think as the time for our move is approaching our friends and family realized that it might be a year or two before they will see us again. This means we had/have/ and will have visitors at our house until we have the furniture to provide for their comfortable stay.
Needless to say Baby Bug LOVES it. Visitors bring fun and energy to our house. She adores everyone for as long as they play "nice" with her.
So far we had Mor Mor, Jim (who she proudly calls Dium that mostly sounds like Dum. Just like our friend Frank who she calls Freak and sounds like Freak. So now we have two friends named Dum & Freak. No I am not embarrassed one bit!) and our friend Paul is arriving from Seattle tomorrow to spend one fab week with us.
I just really wish we could skip the goodbye part.
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Smart Cookie

So, she calls herself a smart cookie now!
She also can read the numbers from 1-5.
On top of all her newfound glory she is also picking up some bad habits, but we are nipping them in the buds.
Some time outs, food fights and whining competitions seem to be the perfect recipes to a wonderful toddler.
Ok, well, not exactly. She is a manageable child, who needs some directions occasionally, and for the most part she is easy to handle.In the past couple of months she also became very affectionate. She loves to cuddle in the morning if we have the time. Sometimes she will hold my head in both of her little hands and kiss me while looking into my eyes. She has a smile that says more than words can ever tell. She will just shout “I WOW YOU” whenever she feels like it. And I LOVE it.