Thursday, February 25, 2010

The business of being born

So, he is here. Evan Jonas has arrived (fashionable late) on 02/21 at 6:02pm.
He was 9.5 pounds and as healthy as such big baby can be.
We spent only about 4 hours at birth care as I decided not to stay for the night but to go home with my family.
Today was the firth day having him home and I can’t begin to tell how lucky we are with both of our babies.
Evan is the mellowest little fellow and really all he does is eating and sleeping. Bug seemed to change right before our eyes when she first met him. She became the most caring big sister we could’ve asked for and absolutely adores her little baby brother.
Me? I am just waiting to see if this is the calm before the storm?

1 comment:

Sara said...

Wow, Congratulations to you!!!!! What a big sister!

Much Love, Sara and Bella