Monday, December 17, 2007

As we are getting ready…..

So I have a few minutes to write and take a break from getting ready for our trip to back east. We will be leaving tomorrow and I am not sure when I will have time to put up a new post? As I was getting Naddie ready for her bath tonight I was thinking to myself “she has no idea what’s coming her way”, and than I thought “well, nor do we”.
We are flying red eye, which at the time we made the reservation seemed to be a good idea and as we got closer to the date I realized we might have made the biggest mistake so far. I guess we are going to find out tomorrow night. I just have to keep repeating “DO NOT PANIC, DO NOT PANIC, DO NOT PANIC”.She is doing great though. She is totally getting ready for a big change! We can totally tell. She has taken a few steps this past week and she was so confident and was not surprised at all. I guess she might be practicing while I am not looking because it was the first time I have ever seen her do it. She also said “whasshat?” today after she heard a big truck go by while I was getting her in her car seat. She is repeating more and more words and can totally surprise us with new sounds and will just talk and talk and talk…

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