Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July Weekend

We had a 4 day weekend with lots of outdoor activities, food, good friends & family, lots of music & a pinch of water activities.
Naddie got to see the Main street parade for the second time and the fire works, also for the second time. Spent some time on the beach over the weekend and she got to visit Forrest’s & Evelyn’s home where she played some music instruments and had a song sang to her. As you might have guessed the song was about her.
She has been practicing her new groovy dance moves every day and also learned to spin and make herself dizzy which seems to really amuse her.
On Sunday she invaded this little 6 year old boy’s bouncy house that his parents rented for his birthday and ended up setting it up front of our house on the lawn. Naddie had so much fun in it, never mind what everyone else had to put up with for her 15 minute fun. How bad is this? I did not even catch the little boy’s name. She is making really good friends with Amanda and would not let her be while we were at the beach. Will & I call Amanda the “shinny new toy” or the “new best friend” of Naddie’s. Just think of how invasive and clingy kids can be, double that, and you get a “Naddie around Amanda”.
Naddie also learned how to diaper her stuffed animals (Teddy & Bunny) and how to check if they are wet. Let’s just say I should look into reusable diapers for these little creatures or it will be an expensive game.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love the bandana on her, how cute is that?! I wish we had a beach here, we are complete with cacti, and no rain/moisture! I love your quotes of N, they do show just how innocent childhood is, you guys really have fun....