Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Strong personality...really?

Ms. N is really approaching those "terrible twos" age. She is becoming more and more independent (or at least trying), she has more and more tantrums and really just becoming a bit annoying. I know all toddlers go through this stage, but my question is: "Can't we just skip it?"
Lately our days are more like a roller coaster. I am not trying to complain or anything. Reality is that she has better days more often than bad days.
She also has no problem communicating her feelings to us. She just starts crying when she is sad(or worst case scenario she throws herself on the ground), she smiles when she is happy, she claps and praises herself when she is excited and so on...
There are time outs and temper tantrums and flying food and hair pulling in our life. Did we miss the sign? How did we turn on this road?


Sara said...

Ok, Andrea, I read this, and showed a coworker of mine that was standing in the vicinity...Oh my goodness, hilarious!! We were laughing so hard, becuase we can relate. Seriously, throw me a convo if you want to talk...I am right in the middle of that storm. I have what you call a "spirited" child....!

Anonymous said...

Good post.