Sunday, October 26, 2008

Baby Bug is HAPPY!!

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As my little baby bug would say: HAPPY!!!!
She had said that after an incredible fun filled weekend.
On Friday she got to attend her first ever (I am pretty sure this wasn‘t the last one) party at her daycare center. It was their “Halloween” party for all ages and parents.
Saturday both her and I got our yearly flu shot and than Will I took her for a long long walk even though at first she had a bit of a hard time walking on her “Booboo” leg. That is until we told her that there was ice cream at the end of our walk. We closed the day with a dip in the pool and the humongous bubble filled bath tub we call the Jacuzzi.
Sunday she decided to start her carrier early and was building family homes and apartment towers out of her building blocks. After her architectural job was done we took her to the Irvine Park where they had the annual pumpkin patch and about a million people. Despite the masses we had a wonderful time and decided to take her back for the train ride and the pony ride another day.


PL Anne Anderson said...

Sounds like fun!
We spent the weekend getting over colds... yuck! We better get in for our flu shots too!
Love the pics,

Naddie said...

Having a cold is not fun. Having the flu is really not fun. Give big hugs to both of them for us.
Would love to see picks of Ryan and Elly too!!!