Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend Update with Baby Bug

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California got hit with record breaking heat both Saturday and Sunday. So, instead of dealing with the mad crowd that tends to come our way from "Inland" when such thing happens, we dedicated our weekend to the bank, arts & crafts and the Discovery Museum.
Bug has a bank at home she keeps her change in. She gets or finds change and puts them away. She than takes her "little bank" to the Bank and has a machine count everything she puts in there. After the machine is done, she takes her receipt to the lady at the counter and tells her that it is hers. We have done this routine a couple of times now and Saturday was the fist day I asked her what she is going to buy with her money when she will be able to use it? Her answer was: "Bookc mommy!"
Sunday I took her to the Discovery museum, where they had the 13th Annual bubble festival.
We had such a great time. I think she is at the perfect stage where she enjoys visiting museums and certainly enjoys the "kid" crowd. She participated in most hands on activities and always waited patiently for her turn or in line.


Sara said...

Hey girl,

Just checking in!

Naddie is getting so big!!! It looks like you all have been having quite an adventure!

Hugs from us.. :)



Naddie said...

We missed you both here and on your site!
I see that you have been busy as well. I miss reading about Belle and her little world, but I love seeing the photos on Flickr.
Hugs & Kisses